About this objectWorld War II military radio.
Black metal case.
Chrome metal handle on top.
On front: tuning dial with green bars and yellow numbers: three black tuning knobs; removable panel with two chrome knobs and instruction panel; louvred cover to speaker; chrome on/off switch; two wire connectors; two cables for power with alligator clips to connect to six volt truck battery.
Wiring circuit and frequencies on printed sheet glued to base.
MakerAustralian Sound Services
Maker RoleManufacturer
Date MadeWorld War II
Place MadeMelbourne, Victoria
Medium and MaterialsMetal
MeasurementsH 240 mm
W 480 mm
Depth 280 mm
Subject and Association KeywordsWorld War 2
Subject and Association DescriptionPrinted card with radio:
"This Radio was Manufactured by Australian Sound Services in Melbourne and supplied by A.A. Amenities Services to be used by the Troupes (sic) in WW 2 in Camps and in the Islands to receive news from home.
It is powered by a 6 volt truck battery and required a long wire aerial and an earth stake.
It receives on both broadcast and short wave frequencies.
Donated by Jim Herron"