About this objectWorld War I green steel machine gun with handwritten label stating it is "Maxim" German machine gun / Number 47400.
Gun barrel is 90 mm diameter, 560 mm long and encased in a cooling chamber.
Has metal and wood stand and a wooden stock.
MakerMaxim Gun Company
Maker RoleManufacturer
Date Madec 1915
Place MadeGermany
Place NotesMade under licence in Germany since 1908
Medium and MaterialsMetal
MeasurementsL 1200 mm
Subject and Association KeywordsSir Hiram Stevens Maxim
Subject and Association KeywordsWorld War 1
Subject and Association DescriptionInvented by Sir Hiram Stevens Maxim in 1883.
First recoil-operated machine gun.
Could fire 600 rounds per minute but compared to modern versions was heavy, bulky and awkward.
Called "the weapon most associated with British Imperial conquest"