About this objectThe seed was processed through a variety of flatbed sieves to separate it from other material. It was then fed through a secondary grader which cleaned the seed in preparation for planting.
The secondary grader is contained in a green box on the side of the machine. There is a chute on the side which funneled the cleaned seed into bags.
This machine was a later model which was purchased from Allis Chalmers.
MakerBirdsell Manufacturing Company
Period1928 - 1932
Place MadeUnited States of America
Medium and MaterialsTimber, metal and leather
MeasurementsL: 8.5m
W: 2.3m
H: 2.9m
Subject and Association KeywordsBirdsell Manufacturing Company
Subject and Association DescriptionThe first model of the the Birdsell Clover Huller was built in 1855 by John Comly Birdsell. It was patented in 1856 in the United States.
Previously two separate machines were used to process clover seed.
The Birdsell huller business was sold to Allis-Chalmers Company of Milwaukee, Wisconsin in 1932. They did not make any hullers but sold hullers acquired as part of the purchase of the huller business.