About this objectTriangular shaped black rubber masks. Stiff rubber covered with thin soft pliable rubber, part that fits over face is inflatable.
Has 2cm inflation tube with yellow plastic stopper at top of mask, both are labelled CIG Anti-Static in yellow. One is size 4, the other size 5.
The size 4 mask has a 5 pronged silver metal flange around the gas inlet valve. It has ED 2/N stamped in yellow inside.
The size 5 mask has BF1/N stamped inside.
MakerCIG Australia
Maker RoleManufacturer
MeasurementsH. 8cm size 4, H. 8.5cm size 5.
W. 8.5cm size 4, W. 11.5cm size 5.
L. 14cm size 4, L. 14.5cm size 5.