About this objectKhaki wool winter battle dress suit with jacket and trousers.
1. Jacket with waistband and attached belt straps secured by metal slide buckle. On each shoulder is a cloth badge, 'ROYAL AUSTRALIAN ELECTRICAL & MECHANICAL ENGINEERS' and a cloth crown badge.
2. Wool trousers, with manufacturer's label, 'CGCF / Victoria / 1969'.
Date Made1969
Place MadeVictoria, Australia
Medium and MaterialsFabric
MeasurementsW: 570 mm
H: 1040 mm
D: 20 mm
Subject and Association KeywordsClothing
Subject and Association KeywordsJacket
Subject and Association KeywordsCoat
Subject and Association KeywordsTrousers
Subject and Association KeywordsPants
Subject and Association KeywordsEngineering
Subject and Association KeywordsAustralian Military Forces