Name/TitleBritish Commonwealth Forces Civilian Drivers Permit and Petrol Coupons
About this object1. A plastic covered cardboard British Commonwealth Forces Civilian Drivers Permit for a 1/4 ton, 4X4 Jeep, issued on the 04/04/47 to N Norris. BDF Engr. Regt.
Signed by Assistant Provo Marshal in Japan.
2. Army Canteen Service, 5 Lubricant Petrol Coupons No. 003496. Issued to British Comm Eng. Rent., Kure Japan, 1948. Booklet contains 2 coupons.
Date Made1940s
Medium and MaterialsPaper
MeasurementsW: 90 mm
L: 140 mm
Subject and Association KeywordsDocument
Subject and Association KeywordsJapan
Subject and Association KeywordsWorld War 2
Subject and Association KeywordsPermit
Subject and Association KeywordsCoupons
Subject and Association KeywordsMotor vehicles
Subject and Association KeywordsBritish Commonwealth Forces