Name/TitleFramed Air Force Training Corps commemorative document
About this objectBrown wooden frame with glass covering a document printed on white paper with the 'Royal Australian Air Force' emblem and 'Air Training Corps' beneath it.
At the bottom is printed "Presented to: R.S.L. WAR MEMORIAL MUSEUM / From: 29 FLIGHT AIRTC ORANGE / 1992".
Around the emblem is handwritten the names of the Flight Commander, Training Officers and the Cadets.
Date Made1992
Place MadeOrange, New South Wales
Medium and MaterialsWood
MeasurementsW: 225 mm
H: 280 mm
D: 20 mm
Subject and Association KeywordsAirforce
Subject and Association KeywordsCadets
Subject and Association KeywordsDocument
Subject and Association KeywordsCommemorative Materials